Vi gratulerar vår nya jubeldoktor Björn Berglund
Publicerad 24 maj 2016 Björn disputerade den 17 maj 1966 ! - 2025-02-17
Publicerad 24 maj 2016 Björn disputerade den 17 maj 1966 ! - 2025-02-17
Publicerad 27 maj 2016 Karolina Ruter, Per Möller och Tom Dowling har fått pris för bästa artiklar i GFF 2015! Läs mer här. - 2025-02-17
Publicerad 21 juni 2016 Stort grattis till våra två nya ETP-lärare Charlotte Sparrenbom och Elisabeth Einarsson! De är nu invalda i Pedagogiska Akademin och mottar sina ETP-diplom på fakultetens sommarfest i augusti.ETP = Excellent Teaching Practitioner!Mer om ETP:
Publicerad 16 november 2016 Charlotte Sparrenbom m.fl. skriver om "PFAS i vårt grund- och dricksvatten". Läs mer här. - 2025-02-17
Publicerad 6 december 2016 ASLO Fellows är medlemmar "who have advanced the aquatic sciences via their exceptional contributions to the benefit of the society and its publications, meetings, and other activities".Läs mer.. - 2025-02-17
Publicerad 23 januari 2017 Vi gratulerar Helena Filipsson som har blivit utnämnd till professor. - 2025-02-17
Publicerad 23 januari 2017 Här är filmen: PDF-dokumentet - 2025-02-17
Publicerad 30 januari 2017 Vill du ha ett roligt jobb och inspirera blivande studenter? Vill du berätta om din utbildning och hur det är att vara student i Lund? Har du dessutom läst naturvetenskap vid Lunds universitet i minst en termin - sök då till studentambassadör!Vi rekryterar löpande. Anmäl ditt intresse viaör mer information besök www.naturvetenska - 2025-02-17
Publicerad 3 mars 2015 Ett chockat kvartskorn från Hummeln strukturen. Carl Alwmark och kollegor presenterar nya rön i tidskrifen Geology. Forskningen visar att sjön Hummeln i Småland har bildats genom ett meteoritnedslag för ca 470 miljoner år sedan. Läs mer.. - 2025-02-17
Published 16 November 2016 Charlotte Sparrenbom et. al. publish article about PFAS in Swedish drinking water. Read more. - 2025-02-17
Published 21 November 2016 The ASLO Fellows are members who have advanced the aquatic sciences via their exceptional contributions to the benefit of the society and its publications, meetings, and other activities. Read more.. - 2025-02-17
Published 23 January 2017 Helena Filipsson, foto Erik Thor We congratulate Helena Filipsson who has been appointed Professor. - 2025-02-17
Published 23 January 2017 Read it here. - 2025-02-17
Published 10 February 2015 See the recent article with Daniel Conley in Nature Climate Change on Connecting the Seas of Norden.The Nordic Seas are highly sensitive to environmental change and have been extensively monitored and studied across a broad range of marine disciplines. For these reasons, the Nordic seas may serve as a pilot area for integrated policy development in response to ongoing cl - 2025-02-17
Published 30 October 2017 - 2025-02-17
Published 27 November 2017 Svante Björck has been elected as a Fellow of The American Association for the Advancement of Sciences (AAAS).“For distinguished contributions reconstructing Quaternary environments in the northern and southern hemispheres, and for leadership in the international community of Quaternary geoscientists.”AAAS: of elected Fellows 2017: https://www.a
Published 4 January 2018 In the past 50 years, the amount of water in the open ocean without oxygen has gone up more than four-fold. In coastal water bodies, including estuaries and seas, low-oxygen sites have increased more than 10-fold since 1950. Protecting sensitive species, controlling eutrophication and climate change and improving monitoring are some solutions to the problem, according to r - 2025-02-17
Published 15 March 2018 Exciting news - Hedda Andersson guest professorshipWe are very pleased to announce that Prof Anna Godhe from the University of Gothenburg has been awarded a Hedda Andersson guest professorship at our department. Godhe is a biologist by training but has a very broad background. Her main research interests include the role of phytoplankton life-cycle stages (diatoms and dinof - 2025-02-17
Published 16 March 2018 Svante Björck and Sherilyn Fritz have been awarded the International Paleolimnology Association (IPA) Lifetime Achievement Award.These awards will be presented at the International Paleolimnology Symposium (IPS) which will be held in Stockholm this June 18-21 (this will be a joint meeting with the International Association of Limnogeology (IAL).
Published 24 April 2018 Svante Björck and colleagues publishes a paper in Nature: "Warm summers during the Younger Dryas cold reversal" - 2025-02-17